Most (both) of you faithful readers know what I do for a living, but on the off chance that someone whom I don’t have the pleasure of knowing personally is reading this blog, allow me to preface today’s post with a little about my professional life. I am a low-level employee at a small college. I work as an administrative assistant in the academic department at this fine institution amidst some of the most lovable (and –in some cases– the most annoying) people. (Yes! You too can earn a liberal arts degree and be the office bitch in a variety of settings!) Unfortunately, I am just a step above the "coffee and donuts" girl. Why, you ask, is that un fortunate? Well, at least if I had that job, I could leave my desk and use the company card to get my own coffee. Or smoothie. Or gin. But seriously, I am indeed blessed with great co-workers, unbeatable flexibility, job security in the fact that my boss appreciates me (surely he must be afraid of me?) and enough ind