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Mitt Romney: Problem Solver By A Fool's Standards

I know I bash politics a lot because, I'll just come right out and say it, I think they're silly.  My indifference to most things allows me the leisurely amusement of getting a rise out of people who are particularly hot on any given subject.  However, like most individuals who actually do give a shit, I also have a set of criteria on what I look for in a candidate and -republican or democrat- I will vote for whomever I feel best meets that criteria.

But today, I find myself at a loss for words.

While I haven't exactly been a Romney fan up until this point, I am somewhat sympathetic to those under constant scrutiny.  I suppose he has faced his fair share.  But we do make our own beds, do we not?  This is positively inexcusable.  I would sooner vote for a chimp in a scuba suit than this imbecile.  Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see all such despicable creatures who would do such a thing as this surrounded by their own foul mess of "brown liquid."  This atrocity is most definitely a determining factor on where I will cast my vote should Mitt earn the seat of the republican nominee this fall. 

I will never, ever vote for someone who treats a family member as rubbish, regardless of excuse or intent.  In my heart of hearts, I believe that this is truly the stupidest man to ever hold public office.


  1. At the risk of seeming narcissistic and commenting on my own post, I wanted to list this story from another source. I understand that many feel that NPR demonstrates liberal tendencies, so here is the story from Fox News:,2933,287413,00.html
    (Please note the part where Massachusetts law is highlighted: "Massachusetts animal cruelty laws specifically prohibit anyone from carrying an animal `in or upon a vehicle, or otherwise, in an unnecessarily cruel or inhuman manner or in a way and manner which might endanger the animal carried thereon.'")
    (Not the biggest Newt fan either, but it doesn't change what Mr. Romney's family considers "problem solving" skills.)

    Furthermore, you will be hard pressed to find a vet that doesn't believe that canine diarrhea is not frequently caused by stress. For instance:

    "The first step to control dog diarrhea is to understand the cause. Diarrhea problems are present when your dog passes a liquid stool or a loose stool more often than is normal for your pet...
    ...The most common causes of dog with diarrhea have nothing to do with illness and are caused by something else...
    ...Stress - Not that my dog has anything to worry about, but they do. Someone new in the house?, Moved? All are causes of stress and all cause diarrhea. Remove the causes and you will control dog diarrhea."

  2. I hate to come in and comment on everything, but I categorically disagree with you that Mitt Romney is the "stupidest" man to hold public office. Do I think the dog being put up in a kennel on the car roof is OK? Probably not. But we currently have a man not only in public office but in the HIGHEST public office who is in favor of, and actively pursuing legislation for, the MURDER of children. Barack Obama is not just pro-choice, he actually voted in favor of allowing partial-birth abortion. In the scheme of things, while I'm not saying Romney made the greatest choice in where to keep his dog during a road trip, it pales in comparison to the treatment of more voiceless children than we can count that has been endorsed and even encouraged by another in public office. He's not my first choice for president, but I will campaign wholeheartedly for Mitt Romney if he's selected as the Republican nominee if it means we can get the monster we call the president out of office.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate what you say and certainly find your feelings valuable. I do, however, stand by my statement of Romney being the "stupidest" man to hold public office because I feel that there is a difference between "stupid" and "evil." Mr. Romney may not have had bad intentions for poor Seamus, but there is no denying the foolishness of his actions. President Obama's active pursuit for murderous legislation is -in my opinion- evil. There is no stupidity behind such an action because, I imagine, he is well-informed on the subject, but chooses to ignore the facts.

      With that said, I don't think we have to pick between animal cruelty and being pro-life; you can like both apples and oranges. Fortunately, there is enough room in this world for us to have opinions on more than one matter. This post addressed the issue of idiotic decision-making. For a stance on the pro-choice/pro-life debate, you may wish to refer to the static page on this blog addressing that very issue. I am avidly pro-life and avidly anti-cruelty. As human beings, we are given the capacity and the responsibility to value life in all its various forms, be that human or animal.


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