As the month of March - Women's History Month - comes to a close, I find myself wondering in what ways I have been womanly recently. Of course, in order to answer that question, we would first need to define what it means to be "womanly", and that is much easier said than done. Most women would probably not agree on the definition of this term. I think, however, that we can all agree that having a uterus ain't for pussies. (Get the double entendre? You should. It was not subtle.) As women, w e have far more freedoms and opportunities than ever before, but there is a lot more pressure on us to "have it all". I know I have commented on this before and I don't anticipate stopping any time contend with that or quit reading. As I try to navigate womanhood myself, I also have a daughter to teach. I know that she is watching me as I struggle to keep it tight (literally and metaphorically), and I want her to see through my actions how to
Food. Travel. Stuff I like but you might hate. "Parenting." En français. Rambling. Zero public attempts at crafting.