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IMDb: "Internet Movie Database" or "Indulge My Delusional Behavior" ???

Summer is here (not that I just realized that) and with it comes an array of exciting movies.  Habibi and I kicked off the season by celebrating my birthday with the Avengers.  Since saving the world from Loki and his devilish plans, we have helped Abraham Lincoln slay vampires, stopped a giant lizard alongside Spiderman and defeated Bane with the help of Gotham's finest caped crusader.  (Seeing a theme, anyone?  Yes, I have the same taste as an 11-year-old boy.)  A couple weeks ago, Momwise (my mom), B (my sister) and I twisted fate in the Scottish highlands alongside Merida in the latest treat from Disney Pixar.

I love summer flicks.  After seeing all the previews preceding each of the above movies, I'm excited for fall movies to begin as well.  Hollywood is definitely not hurting this year!  Being suckers for a good trailer, Habibi and I have been staying extra busy conducting our research using the likes of Flixster and IMDb.

I have seen enough IMDb profiles in the last month or so to persuade me that I need to create my own.  In fact, I have even been thinking about my life in IMDb trivia terms and incomplete sentences:  "Loves pancakes" or "Is a fan of action/suspense movies."  I don't have a "blogger" profile (this is intentional) but, in the spirit of chain email surveys and your doubtless interest in my personal life (not), I have decided to share a little bit about myself in this post.  Without further adieu, allow me to present you with my very own "IMDb" profile.  (This is a compilation based on various other profiles I've come across complete with names and ages of children and pets.)


Biography for

Date of Birth
May 1980s

Birth Name
My Name


5'1" {Convert that to meters for Europeans.  Oh, and everyone else in the world who isn't American.}

Mini Biography
Anouchka was born.  She has a face and she does things.  She began writing and performing in pre-school and she kicked ass at it.  She appeared in the local newspaper for the first time when she was two years old.  Since then, she has been featured in other local publications for various roles in community productions as well as for other achievements.

Habibi (October 3, 2009 - present)

Trade Mark
Petite stature, angled features, and jungle woman hair.

Studied French, Art History and English at the University of ___________, where she graduated with Distinction.

Speaks French as well as a little Spanish and German.

Graduated from _______ High School in _______, ______.

Loves to travel.

Although an avid runner, she hates running on the treadmill.  Also enjoys kickboxing, yoga, pilates, dancing and boot camp, despite her claims that she only uses "baby weights."

First published at age 3 for a creative writing project in a church art show.  Later went on to write classics such as The Kittens Who Loved Their Mom A Googleplex and The Dove Who Looked For Worms.

Loves the mountains but hates skiing.

Began her performance career as a competitive dancer.  Trained in ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, modern, theatre, hip hop, and contemporary.

Loves learning new languages and has dabbled in German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, and Greek.

Loves whitewater rafting and roller coasters.

Has won two Theatre Arts Guild (T.A.G.) awards for her performances as Anne in The Diary of Anne Frank and Anybody's in Westside Story.

Is of Lebanese descent on her father's side; Iroquois, Cherokee, Scottish, English, German, Dutch, French, Irish, Danish, Spanish and east Indian descent on her mother's side.

Sister of Bait.

Daughter of Yahbah Ivang and Momwise.

Favorite form of dance is tap.

Has a black cat named Betty (born June 2006).

Suffers from     {They all "suffer" from some kind of condition, but y'all don't need to know mine.}   

Avidly opposed to abortion. 

Does all her own singing and voice overs.

Loves Arabic food.  Also enjoys Italian, Greek, French, Chinese, Spanish, and Mexican cooking.

Activist against animal cruelty and testing.  Will not buy any household or beauty products unless they are "cruelty-free."

Is primarily a pesco vegetarian.

Loves the Putumayo music label.  Also a fan of Frank Sinatra, The Temptations, Buddy Holly, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James and Janis Joplin.

Is lactose intolerant.

Does all her own stunts. {This is true.}

Greatly admires Audrey Hepburn, Amy Adams, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard, Audrey Tautou and Meryl Streep. {They all admire Meryl.}

Favorite movies include The Darjeeling Limited, Dead Poets Society , Singin' in the Rain, Midnight in Paris and OSS 117:  Le Caire, nid d'espions.

Loves Christmas music.

Supports the "Check it right, you ain't white" campaign, a movement encouraging Middle Eastern- and Arabic-Americans to campaign for recognition on the U.S. Census.

Openly admits to having an eating disorder in the form of a food addiction.

Is a fan of Arrested Development, The Office, and Parks and Recreation.

Supporter of PETA and the ASPCA.

Favorite charities include Dogs for the Deaf, the Humane Society and various anti-trafficking organizations.

Loves to read and cook.

Is best friends with her sister Bait.

Personal Quotes
"I feel most beautiful when someone else does my hair and make up.  I have neither the patience nor the talent for those things.  Most days I look like a martian."

"I love the French way of doing things.  One should always have wine with lunch."

"I'm a vegetarian, I'm just not very good at it."

"My lifelong dream is to dance with Gene Kelly.  Guess I'll have to wait awhile to do that."

"I can't wait until I'm rich and can do what I want to do.  I want to travel, learn to belly dance, play the violin, and learn some kind of martial arts.  Oh wait, that isn't happening."

[on her interracial heritage]:  "I'm just an all-American mutt, a brown girl from the 'burbs."

"I love Flamenco dancing.  I think it is one of the most beautiful and soulful things in the whole wide world."

[on abortion]:  "If it's not a baby, you're not pregnant."

"Why would I be interested in any man in Hollywood?  Have you seen my husband?  He is the single most ravishing piece of manflesh on the planet."

"I cried the first time I saw Notre Dame."

"I have such a girl-crush on Penelope [Cruz].  I want to be her when I grow up."

"If I could write a book, I would.  I love the idea of it, but I can't organize my thoughts in a way that doesn't resemble word vomit."

"I would no sooner eat a cadaver than I would pork.  Barf."

"I think I have an old soul; I'm the youngest person by far in all of my 'extra-curriculars.'  Although, maybe that just means that I'm lame."


Let's All Go to the Movies, 2009

(Something about Broadway or Stages), 2005

'Tis the Season, 2004

Helmut und Waltraud, 2004

Dreams Really Do Come True, 2003

Promenons-nous dans le bois, 2003
-Le Loup

The Music Man, 2003
-Zaneeta Shinn

Fiddler on the Roof, 2002

Westside Story, 2001

The Diary of Anne Frank, 2001
-Anne Frank

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, 2000

(Plus other stuff that I can't remember.)


Thanks for humoring me by feigning interest in my egocentrism. :)


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