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Running Concerns

It seems to me that a post about running is long overdue...especially since it is a significant reason for my neglectful blogging.

Summer running this year has proven to be a bit of a challenge.  With the violent winds of June (mistral, perhaps?) and the unrelenting heat advisories of July, I have felt less than motivated to run outside.  Nevertheless, I have continued busting my butt and recently signed up for my first half marathon.

Between now and September 23, I have a few things to accomplish and hone.  Today I ran my last "long run" of 8 miles.  Next Friday, I get a little break where my distance run dips to 4 miles, before increasing to an even 10 (my current distance record) two weeks from today.  Here are a few of my concerns:

  1. Time.  No, I'm not talking about personal records or speed.  I'm talking about something much less important:  how much of my valuable time it takes to do all this running when I could be doing things like sleeping or...well sleeping.
  2. Wedgies.  I can't seem to control these.
  3. My gum. It disintegrates before I'm done running.  Yuck.
  4. Sprinklers.  While these are nice to run through on particularly hot days, we are currently in a drought.  Plus, they make the ground slippery and I don't want to biff it.  I do have a reputation to maintain.  And a face.
  5. Sweat.  It's no surprise to anyone who has ever been within a 40-foot radius of me that I don't perspire...I SWEAT!  ("Perspiring" is for weakies.)  However, even I find it a little bit gross when -before I've rounded 6 miles- the salt is already crystallizing on my skin.  Self-exfoliant, anyone?
  6. Clothes.  Speaking of sweat, would I be better off running in a swimsuit?  I feel just as saturated in this damn humidity.  Sick.
  7. Food.  What should I eat?  More importantly, what shouldn't I eat?  (I'm pretty sure I'm not abiding by that second rule, by the way.)
  8. Boredom.  I don't condone listening to iPods or MP3 players when you are out running/walking/biking.  In fact, I find it very dangerous and it lowers your awareness for potential hazards (cars, bumps in the road, traffic, other people, animals, etc.).  Unfortunately, as my distance increases, so does my time on the pavement.  I guess that means more time for me to spend in the deepest grottoes of my brain.  Ooooo...SCARY!!!
  9. The increase of that dumb Katie Perry song on the radio.  This really has nothing to do with running, but I'm no less concerned about it.

    Now, for the legit concern of the day...

  10. My knees.  Sometimes, they feel a little "troubled" at the end of a long run.  Any suggestions or tips for joint protection?

Wish me luck!


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