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This is my blog. I mean my brain. Or wait...I don't know.

The great metropolis is thick with humidity today – something I realized this morning on my run as my hair begun to transform into a brillowy mess and my skin became too stifled to break a sweat.  As my feet pounded the pavement with an increasing sense of lethargy, I fought the urge to pick an inconvenient wedgie that had stricken me whilst on the busy street, dense with morning commuters.  As a distraction to my growing discomfort, I asked myself, When was the last time I posted on my blog?

When indeed?

I realize that my posts are growing few and far between.  This troubles me, but I must remind myself that the reason I began this blog was not to proclaim every occurrence in my life, nor was the purpose ever to entertain the masses.  While I hope that some have found it clever or whimsical, the purpose of this particular blog is to provide me with an outlet.

Hey, it’s cheaper than therapy.

Since my last serious post, I have taken on a second job.  Now, in addition to my part-time gig as an administrative worker, I also teach French classes for a local NPO of Francophiles.  This is my “fun” job.  Unfortunately, working two jobs (and not learning how to effectively say “no” to various volunteer opportunities that I find appealing)  leaves little time to engage in any other personal enrichment extracurriculars for yours truly, and that –it pains me to say– includes Anouchka Talks. 

You see, by the time I get home, the last place I want to be is in front of a computer screen.  Irony has made this Luddite her bitch by convincing me to even start a blog, but I find it so…relieving.  I realize that both of you know who I am, but I do so relish the false sense of anonymity in writing whatever I damn well please. 

Plus, I can say whatever words I want.

But enough of this nonsense.  I began this post with a direction in mind and I have veered far from it and lost my train of thought entirely.  Thank you for ruining my mojo.  Suffice it to say this:  My brain is dead.


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