I know I bash politics a lot because, I'll just come right out and say it, I think they're silly. My indifference to most things allows me the leisurely amusement of getting a rise out of people who are particularly hot on any given subject. However, like most individuals who actually do give a shit, I also have a set of criteria on what I look for in a candidate and -republican or democrat- I will vote for whomever I feel best meets that criteria. But today, I find myself at a loss for words. http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2012/02/15/146929766/why-romneys-shaggy-dog-story-wont-die While I haven't exactly been a Romney fan up until this point, I am somewhat sympathetic to those under constant scrutiny. I suppose he has faced his fair share. But we do make our own beds, do we not? This is positively inexcusable. I would sooner vote for a chimp in a scuba suit than this imbecile. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to...
Food. Travel. Stuff I like but you might hate. "Parenting." En français. Rambling. Zero public attempts at crafting.
Unfortunately, whenever I watch a video from someone new, I end up watching about 20 more minutes of videos from them. :) So, I watched "Rapist Glasses" from the same guy, and I liked it a lot. :)