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Obama, Bachmann, Pelosi, Perry, OMG CHRISTMAS MUSIC, Happy Fall Kind Of Because I’m Wearing Socks

So, I have a few things on my mind today, but they’re good things, so don’t be afraid of the title of this post.  I’m not going to bore you with politics, I promise.  No, today you should be concerned with far more important things…like my hair.

Most music on the radio these days sounds the same to me.  Of course there are exceptions, but it is largely for this reason that I listen to a lot of NPR.  However, last week, the morning after Obama’s big speech (what was that about again?) I decided that I couldn’t listen to the “after party” of all the big political hoopla.  I had had enough of listening to Obama promise this and that, of comments about Bachmann’s eyeballs, and of the general behavior of our representatives in Washington.  I felt like a bad American (not really), but I really didn’t care what they had to say.  Solution?  Christmas music, of course!

Today, I felt much the same as I drove the 20 minutes or so it takes me to get to work.  So, like last week, I popped in one of my favorite CDs:  Putumayo Presents Christmas Around the World (one of the best Putumayo albums ever!!!!!!!!!).  Fortunately, Wednesday mornings are more leisurely for me than any other morning of the week.  This meant that today, I had actually done my hair.  (Whoa.)  Believe it or not, this means safer driving for the other motorists on the road as I am not obligated to stick my head out the window to dry my hair before rolling into the office.

Lucky for my fellow mid-morning commuters, I shared the joy of the holiday season (of September) by rolling down my window and blaring the music.  If “the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear,” (Elf, anyone?) then everyone crossing my path should have the merriest of days, despite the fact that I got a few looks that said, Who is that wackjob wailing ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’ in Spanish? or Sweet Mary, someone call 911, I believe that woman is seizing!  (Note:  If you hear Zydeco music and I seem to be in convulsions, fear not.  I am just dancing.)

Alas, all good things must come to an end.  Here I am at work, listening to the sounds of the copier and remembering my morning drive with fondness.  Who knows?  Maybe I will spread the Christmas spirit in the office this afternoon.

Speaking of Christmas and all of the chilly weather associated with it, I finally busted out my fall wardrobe today!  I know it is technically still summer, but The Weather Channel has reported that today’s high is only 59 degrees!  I love fall.  Anyway, most exciting of all (re:  my wardrobe) is the fact that I am wearing boots for the first time since March!  Although I am not eager for the frigid weather that January brings, I intend to fully enjoy what autumn has to offer. 

So, to all of you out there who are bored enough to read this (and able to follow my erratic train of thought), I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy First Unofficial Day of Fall!


  1. It is frigid and I am unhappy about it. You, however, are delightful. But may I suggest that you tune into a cheery Pandora station of bluegrass and happiness rather than RUSH THE WINTER HERE WITH YOUR UNSEASONABLE CHRISTMAS MUSIC?! /Grinch-rant

  2. I love your erratic train of thought. :)


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