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Going Bananas in the Kitchen

Who would like to explain to me how I got eight bug bites last night without even realizing it?  It is fall and bugs are supposed to be dying.  Also, please remind me to clean the battery acid out of my camera.  We're going camping this weekend for our two year anniversary (!) and I want to take pictures!!!!!!!

In other (slightly more relevant, but not really) news, today marks the beginning of Harvest Day at my farm (a.k.a. the pots on my balcony).  My kitchen is a disaster at present because, what a surprise, I felt the urge to (1) pause the apple dehydration process and begin dehydrating herbs (2) make Irish potato soup from scratch (3) bake a loaf of banana bread from scratch.  Why oh why did I think it was necessary to do all three of these things simultaneously in my tiny, galley kitchen?????  I guess when the Spirit moves you, there ain't no stoppin'!

Oddly enough, this was one of my smoother kitchen ambitions.  I'm a good cook (thanks, Mom!), but one can only accomplish so much in an eensy weensy space.  Fortunately, I had the place to myself and now it smells like a professional lives here!  I can't wait for Habibi to get home to praise me for being mediocre!

Despite the smooth operation of the banana bread and soup, the herbs did not fare quite as well; I got just a tiny bit over zealous when snipping basil today and put waaaay too much on the dehydrator.  (What is supposed to take 2-3 hours will likely take all night.)  Nevertheless, I hauled the forest inside and began plucking and washing leaves.  There were herbs everywhere!  Rosemary in the bathroom (WTF?), oregano between my toes (I didn't use those pieces, mind you), a mountain of sage on the counter...  As I picked basil out of my hair, I considered how long it would take me to dehydrate the amount that I had harvested.  (Oops.)

All of a sudden, my worst fear was realized:  a SPIDER had managed to get into my colander!  My first instinct was to scream for Habibi, but he was nowhere to be found.  (They are always at "work" when you need them the most.)  I found myself alone and without a weapon.  Yet as my life flashed before my eyes, I decided that I was no coward.  I summoned the warrior within me, uttered a fierce battle cry (eek) and seized a paper towel (or six).  I pounced this way and that but he was a quick and worthy opponent, evading my every blow.  Shit! I thought.  I closed my eyes in an attempt to block out his maniacal and taunting laughter, thought of everyone I love and prepared to go kamikaze.  When I opened my eyes, what should I behold?  The spider had landed by the drain.  Grinning impishly, I turned on the hot water, watched the sucker plummet down into a black hole of nothingness and promptly flipped on the garbage disposal.  Who's got the last laugh now, spider???

So anyway, Habibi is home now and we're going to go sample the banana bread.  Good night!


  1. I've always been jealous of people who can cook!!! I mean I would love to learn but I have the tendency to burn EVERYTHING. :p

  2. Bahahahahahahaha...I love you.

    And bring me some banana bread this weekend.


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