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Allow Me To Introduce You To First World Problems

Last weekend, Habibi and I went to another couple’s house to watch the football game.  While there, the discussion of “First World Problems” came up.  The best example of a First World Problem (in my opinion) that our friends shared with us was this:

It’s too warm out for a hot latte, but it’s too cold for an iced one.

Naturally, this set me to giggling.  Here are a few other FWPs that I have come across this past week:

I can’t keep up with all of the Anderson Cooper jokes because I’m at work.

My McDonald’s order doesn’t have any Monopoly pieces.

I listened to Phil Collin's "In The Air Tonight" on Youtube and it stopped to buffer right when the drums came in.

I accidentally took my iPod touch to work today instead of my iPhone.

I took a new job with way better pay, but here I have to manually turn on the bathroom faucet like a plumber.

I have the same name as a famous magician, and people won't stop asking me to do magic tricks.

Anyway, this -coupled with yesterday’s post about my cancelled kickboxing class- inspired me to create a label dedicated to my own First World Problems.  I would love to hear yours as well.  (Don’t worry, I’ll credit them to you if I post them.)  With that said:

My gym cut my kickboxing class.  Now I’ll have to figure out another way to burn enough calories to merit going out to dinner on Thursdays.


  1. I needed to take a dump at work, and had to walk all the way over to the skyboxes to do it, but the lights operate on a key and I had to duece in the dark. Also my phone gets questionable reception over there so I couldn't even reliably text people from the can.



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