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New in 2018 - February

Hello again, everyone!  We're back with another New in 2018 edition.  Last month, I highlighted three new things that I tried, so let's launch right into it for February.

For a sweet pick-me-up that doesn't break the (calorie) bank, I have regularly turned to the Starbucks cappuccino made with soy milk.  I prefer mine "wet" (less foam), but I always feel pervy asking for that, so I usually just ask for it with "less foam".  (Seriously, who wants to pay that kind of money for air?  Frou-frou drinks at Starbucks aren't cheap!)  Anyhow, I recently decided to give the Flat White a try.  Again, I asked for it with soy milk...and it delivered!  The Flat White is another milk and espresso-based drink, but it simply doesn't have all the froth that a cappuccino does.  And I don't feel creepy ordering it.

I don't indulge in many expensive frivolities in life because I don't like wasting my money on temporary things that really don't provide me with any lasting benefit or pleasure.  However, I am guilty of loving expensive hair products.  In more recent years, I have also become somewhat obsessed with getting my hair colored.  As this latter habit has proven much more expensive (professional hair color appointments get awfully spendy!), I have limited myself to getting my hair dyed once a year - twice at most.  For the most part, I have kept my color palette limited to natural shades that occur on the human head.  Furthermore, they have been within the realm of what realistically might pop up on my own scalp (i.e. dark browns, auburn, chestnut, caramel).  This February, however, I thought I'd get a little bit more playful, and went with a dark brown topped with fuchsia!  I asked for more of an ombré effect, but my colorist went a little wild and covered most of my head in a reddish-purple.  First, she colored my roots a dark, dark brown (almost black) before applying bleach to strips of hair, as though she were doing standard highlights.  Once that was done, she painted my normally mousey tresses with a mixture of red and violet dye.  The final result was something like this:

While I really liked the outcome, I was disappointed with its durability.  The color didn't last long -maybe two weeks?- before most of it washed out, leaving me with what appears to be simple highlights with a pinkish tint.  (Still fun, but not what I paid for!)  I used color-safe hair products, but I can't bring myself to wash it in cold, cold water when I wash it in the shower along with the rest of my body.  BRRRR!!!!  (Something about the size of the molecules of color and they way they sit in the hair shaft make it ideal to wash hair with bright red color in cold water.)

Do you ever feel like you are going through puberty while aging?  Bear with me a sec.  I don't know about you, but I am getting wrinkles and grey hair and acne all at once.  HOW IS THIS FAIR?!?!?!  Clearly, I need to update my skin regimen.  In a desperate attempt to combat this pubescent/geriatric phenomenon, I started experimenting with body oils.  I've done some research into this and, although I am neither a dermatologist nor a licensed esthetician, I have picked up a few pointers.  For people with exceedingly dry skin, most oils will work to moisturize the skin.  However, if you have oily or combination skin, it is important to find non-comedogenic products.  Basically, "non-comedogenic" is a fancy term for "doesn't clog pores".  This is something with which I was previously familiar, and purchase only facial cleansers and moisturizers with this label.  However, I just assumed that oil was oil when it came to skin application.  Not so!  Turns out, adding oil to oily skin (combo skin, in my case) is not necessarily a bad thing!  There are two factors worth considering though when you do your oil selecting: comedogenic rating and level of linoleic acid.

Let's start by discussing the comedogenic rating.  As I stated before, this is how likely a product is to clog your pores.  Obviously, the less of an issue you have with pores getting clogged, the less concerned you need to be with finding an oil with a low comedogenic rating.  The ratings range from zero to five, with zero being the least likely to clog pores.

Secondly, the level of linoleic acid is also something worth considering.  Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (an Omega 6) that occurs naturally in the body.  Its benefits are multi-faceted: moisture retention, acne and scar reduction, hydration, anti-inflammatory, etc.  Basically, it's a super fat for your skin.  So using oils that are high in linoleic acid can be a great way to provide your skin with some extra TLC.

Currently, I'm using Palmer's body oil (non-comedogenic label) every once in awhile right after a shower instead of lotion.  I apply it to my skin before I dry off (that's key).  Then I pat my skin dry with a towel and it leaves me soft and smooth!  I have also used 100% pure argan oil (Shea Moisture brand, $8.99 at Target) on my face to help keep my skin young and plump looking.  Both of these oils also work great as a carriers for essential oil applications. 
For more on great oils for your specific skin needs (complete with comedogenic ratings and linoleic acid levels), check out this post: The Complete List of Comedogenic Oils.  It's boss.  And way comprehensive.

That's all I have for you this month!  Join me again next month when we discuss March's experiences with Tantric Turmeric kombucha and DIY essential oil room sprays, among other things!


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