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Hiatus Alert!

Coucou, all.

I am writing this post today while watching Chicky try to destroy the iPad.  I think she just called a random strange number for face time.  I have no idea who she called and it freaked me out so I just slammed the device shut and hurled it under the couch...just in case.  How the hell did she do that?

Anyway, this is my life now.  And I love it.

I also love writing blog posts and exploring my other creative outlets.  However, as you can see from the description above, I am not currently able to dedicate the time that I wish I had to the release that is this blog.  I am a complete perfectionist (despite the errors that abound on this site) and I don't want to halfass any of the work that I do here.  So, during my personal cyber absence, I have been spending more time managing my professional website, as well as expanding our new curriculum for the Alliance Française where I serve as Lead Teacher and Board Member, working on what seems like endless children's book translations for my daughter (dammit if I can't find Elmo in French!!), being a full-time Ummi to a very demanding toddler and two spoiled rotten cats, a loving wife, a dedicated French teacher, working on adoption paperwork, making preliminary plans for writing a series of children's books (for my kids, not for publication), attempting to rediscover a regular fitness routine, agonizing over upcoming surgeries (among them being the one for my diastasis recti), and whatever else it is that I do during the day.  (Honestly.  Sometimes I don't even know.  So if you figure it out, please tell me.)  Needless to say, I need a little hiatus but, unfortunately, one of the first things I need to release myself from is guilt over having writer's block and no time for writing or reflection.

So, there it is:  the explanation for my absence and upcoming hiatus for an undetermined duration.  I will still post the occasional random thought as they come to me (which is less and less frequently these days) or photo from either of my series The World Through My Lens and La Lumière Autour du Monde: A collection of lamp posts from around the world as I have ample material still in draft form for these labels.

At the very least, I hope you have enjoyed the musings you have found here.  Thanks for listening...and I'll be back. :)



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