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The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions...And Animal Crackers

During the week, I try to moderate my calorie intake and balance it with calories burned.  It has proven a healthy system for me thus far and I've actually been rather content with it.  Unfortunately, the only reason I believe it has seemed to work rather well is that I allow myself to splurge a little on the weekends.

Today began as a good day for healthy eating, exercise and general productivity.  I was up just before 6:30 on a Saturday (!), out running by a little before 7, all cleaned up and back home from running a few errands, picking up an order from the tailor and doing the grocery shopping for the week by 12:30.  My dear friends, you would have been so proud of me!  In a rare moment of reason, I purchased some sensible dessert items to satisfy my sweet tooth; animal crackers and graham crackers are much healthier options than cookies and candy.  N'est-ce pas?  What's more is that once I returned home, I even found time to write a few birthday and anniversary cards, take care of a number of computer chores and do some work in the kitchen...all before lunch!  My goodness, did I have reason to be smug!  I was on my way to being a regular domestic goddess, kicking ass and taking names!

But oh, the pride before the fall!  Little did I know that the animal crackers were to be my undoing...

After lunch, as I was working a little more on my computer stuff (I rather hate electronics, I must say), I thought, I've been good today.  A few animal crackers would really hit the spot right now.  POW!  A few animal crackers turned into several handfuls, two graham crackers, a nectarine, a glass of red wine, licking the spoon for my homemade hummus, seven layer dip, cheese, crackers, Tostitos, three cookies, half a slice of apple pie (because I'm watching my caloric intake), pita bread, more hummus, salsa, freeze-dried mangoes, and I wish that were the entire list.  It wasn't until we were at another couple's house to watch the football game and I was opening a container -without being invited to do so- of nutty, chocolate no-bake  cookies that I realized that I had once again transformed into a vacuum cleaner.

I would love to tell you that this was a one-time experience.  I would be delighted to look down on those people who eat incessantly whereas I have self-control.  Sadly, I possess nothing of the sort!  Food is a fickle lover and I am a woman obsessed.  Nothing gives me greater joy (and guilt) than the pleasures of eating!  My current vices would include pizza, ice cream, chocolate, most fruits, peanut butter and just about anything that is intended for consumption.  Yikes.

In all seriousness, when did fat women stop being considered the epitome of beauty?  The women painted by Peter Paul Rubens weren't revolutionary because they had tight abs or sexy gams.  NO!  They were fat broads who, in today's world, would only have been able to buy pants with elastic waistbands.  Do you suppose they possessed self-control at football parties?  Did they spend hours at the gym divided between cardio and strength training?  Tanning?  Grooming?  Trying to get rid of cellulite?  And yet all the pervs of the Baroque period swooned.  WTF?

In summation, I ate too much today and now I feel gross.  Time to get a box of doughnuts, put on my sweats and read French Women Don't Get Fat again!

Bon appétit!


  1. Ahh...You are exactly the type of gal that needs a blog! Love it!! Grosse Bises <3


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